The Graphene theme has a built-in featured slider that you can use to showcase your content on the front page.
Display and style
Multiple display and styles are provided, including placing thumbnail and content excerpt, background image and content excerpt, or even placing the full content. You can also select different transition styles, with horizontal sliding being the default transition.
There is also an option to place the slider below the posts on the front page, instead of the default placement above the posts.
Content selection
There are multiple ways to determine which content should be displayed in the slider as well. You can display the latest posts, or explicitly define which posts and pages should be displayed in the slider.
You can also have the slider display posts that belong to specific categories, and then have those posts be excluded from the other posts listing pages, like search and archive pages. If you like, you can also randomise the posts that are displayed in the slider, presenting a different set of posts on each page load.
Use it, or don’t
The featured slider is developed for your convenience, but you don’t have to use it if you don’t need to. A single checkbox is all it takes to disable the slider. This is especially useful if you don’t want to use it, or if you’d like to use other slider plugins with your site.