Understanding Saffron the Spice

Saffron the spice is the most unique and expensive spice in the world that is nothing but dried stigmas of saffron flower. The scientific name of the saffron flower is Sativus crocus, which is very rare in the world. It takes huge labor to extract even a small amount of saffron from the flower like for example it takes around 75,000 of the same flowers to extract at least one pound of saffron, which is comparatively less to the flowers needed for the process. It is not only because of the difficult extraction process but also because of its multiple uses saffron is regarded as the most valuable spice in the world. The unique aroma and flavor that it adds to the cuisines in which it is used is very popular among the masses.

Most of the spices of European origin including saffron are derived from the Arabic word Zafran that means yellow in color. However, the name of saffron in Hindi and Sanskrit were derived from the north Indian regions of Kashmir where saffron from India is produced. Saffron is very unique and valuable spice that adds up to its cost and most of us may find saffron very cheap in some regions but that can be also because of the cheap quality of the spice. Saffron is produced in the regions of Spain to the Kashmir region of India. Moreover, in some areas of Greece and Italy saffron is produced but in a comparatively smaller scale. When it comes to massive production, none is bigger than that of Iran, which is the largest cultivator of saffron till date and it alone denotes 75 percent of the total world production of saffron.

Kashmir is said to be one of the best blessed locations where best Saffron with optimum quality can be found. It is also the only place after Spain and Iran where saffron is cultivated in a very large scale. Here the production starts in the month of October in which the flower of Sativus blooms. The stigmas of the flower are dried in the initial stages and this dried saffron powder forms the purest saffron. This spice is distinguished from the other spices in terms of aroma and the flavor that it adds to the cuisines in which it is used. One of the most popular teas of Kashmir is ‘Kehwa’, which includes small quantity of Kashmiri saffron in it.

Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2018/04/14/understanding-saffron-the-spice/

Cheeseburger Sliders – Super Easy!

I love cheeseburgers! It’s one of my all time favorite foods and I am always in search of the best burger joints.

Lately “gourmet burgers seem to be all the rage. Lots of new burger joints are popping up around the country each one with their own specialty burger like Cajun Burgers, Hawaiian Burgers, Avocado Burgers, and so on. And of course these gourmet burgers come in all different sizes from 6 to 8 ounces and more. Then there’s the “make your own” burger where you’re invited to order your burger with everything from an assortment of cheeses and sauces to toppings of bacon, pineapple, avocados, and more.

That’s all good and well, but what happened to the simple good old fashioned Cheeseburger? That perfectly grilled beef patty, reasonably sized of course, topped with good old American cheese, on a toasted hamburger bun possible topped with lettuce and tomato. Sometimes I crave just that, a simple cheeseburger. Honestly most of the time I end up making my own patties and grilling them in the backyard.

But sometimes I don’t want to fire up the grill and at times I can’t eat a full size burger. That’s why I decided to make these sliders. These Cheeseburger Sliders are so easy to make, the kids can do it with some supervision of course.

They’re great for dinner, as an appetizer, or as a snack. You can even freeze them or store leftovers in the fridge, just pop them in the microwave and they’re good to go. They would make a great addition to a tasting party too, they’re sized just right!


  • 1 Pound Ground Beef
  • 1 Tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tsp. Onion Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp. Sea Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp. Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 Package King’s Hawaiian Sweet Bread Rolls
  • 6 Slices American Cheese
  • 1/4 Cup Butter, Melted
  • 1 Tsp. Sesame Seeds


  1. Carefully remove the rolls from the package without separating them.
  2. Cut the sheet of rolls horizontally in half.
  3. Place the bottom half in a baking sheet.
  4. Cook the ground beef with the spices in a skillet until crumbly.
  5. Spread ground beef evenly on top of the rolls.
  6. Place the cheese slices over the ground beef.
  7. Place the top of the rolls over the cheese.
  8. Mix the sesame seeds with the melted butter and brush on top of the rolls.
  9. Bake in 375 degree oven for 20 minutes.
  10. Remove from oven and slice along the roll seams. Serve hot with ketchup for dipping.

If you want to freeze them or refrigerate leftovers place them in freezer safe containers. Microwave frozen sliders for 4-5 minutes. Microwave refrigerated sliders for 2 minutes.


Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2018/04/14/cheeseburger-sliders-super-easy/

Comments and pingbacks

This post is intended to demonstrate how the comments and pingbacks (and trackbacks) are styled in the theme. In the comments section below, you’ll find multiple-level comments and pings. You can also see how comments from the post’s author are styled differently than the other comments.

The natively-supported WP-CommentNavi plugin has also been installed and activated, so you’ll be able to see the default styling for the comment pagination when that plugin is in use.

Comment form

In this demonstration, you can also see the default layout and styling of the comment form right after the comments pagination links at the bottom of the comments listing.

The list of allowable HTML tags below the comment textarea can be turned off in the theme’s options page.

Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2012/04/26/comments-and-pingbacks/

Graphene theme Google Code Repository

The Graphene theme project is also hosted on the Google Code subversion repository:


Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2012/04/24/graphene-theme-google-code-repository/

Moeraki Boulders

Moeraki Boulders, a cluster of unusually large and spherical boulders lying along a stretch of Otago coast of New Zealand.

Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2012/04/24/moeraki-boulders/

The World is Just Awesome

Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2012/04/24/the-world-is-just-awesome/

Mexican Institute of Sound – Carnaval

Click on the play button below to play the song.


Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2012/04/24/mexican-institute-of-sound-carnaval/

Post format – status

Graphene Theme Feature Highlight: Action Hooks Widget Areas http://t.co/JgWO5nOP

Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2012/04/24/post-format-status/

Content elements

This demonstration shows how the different content elements are styled in the theme. The elements demonstrated below are the ones you are likely to use, in the context that you are likely to use them.

Each section is preceded by a brief explanation of what that section is demonstrating. This is usually followed by the demonstration for that section, typically using the famous Lorem Ipsum dummy text as the content text.

Content paragraphs

This section is intended to demonstrate the line spacing within paragraph, as well as the spacing between paragraphs.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum convallis sollicitudin nunc vitae commodo. Mauris eu eros purus. In lacinia sodales vehicula. Ut posuere, eros ac pharetra tincidunt, mauris diam sagittis nisi, vitae vehicula lacus ipsum sed est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Curabitur porta ultrices ligula elementum elementum. Duis pulvinar, mi quis laoreet mollis, neque elit molestie nunc, eget sagittis metus est vitae nisl. Integer quis condimentum metus. Nullam vitae tortor nec neque auctor aliquet. Nunc a neque a tortor porta malesuada tempor eu nulla.

Proin viverra arcu leo. Maecenas tellus arcu, bibendum nec ultricies mattis, tristique molestie felis. Donec sed egestas urna. Curabitur sollicitudin elit non nisl scelerisque sit amet vestibulum risus elementum.


This section shows how links are styled in the theme. It is intended mainly to demonstrate the default style of the link, as well as the styling when the mouse hovers over the link.

Pellentesque ac tellus eu mauris sodales tincidunt. Nulla tellus ante, tempor eu euismod vel, tincidunt vel erat. Sed porttitor, neque at eleifend imperdiet, eros nibh ultricies purus, sed molestie magna orci id lorem. Vestibulum ultrices lorem vitae augue semper condimentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Morbi pellentesque elit consectetur mauris volutpat nec commodo nisl pellentesque. Curabitur ullamcorper ultrices eros. Maecenas molestie augue ut ipsum faucibus lobortis. Maecenas feugiat sodales lacinia. Sed eleifend ligula at justo cursus non accumsan purus tincidunt. Curabitur id mi et est condimentum luctus a non purus. Etiam fermentum enim eget diam vulputate ornare gravida neque ornare. Sed placerat luctus gravida.


This section is intended to demonstrate how images inserted into the content are styled in the theme. Images can be aligned to the left, center, or right. They can also optionally be captioned with some explanatory text.

The width of the last image in this section actually exceeds the width of the available content area, but the theme automatically resizes the image so that it stays within the content area.

The image to the left shows a left-aligned image. Donec a hendrerit nunc. Suspendisse consectetur egestas dignissim. Sed vitae feugiat erat. Etiam a nisi leo, non gravida ipsum. Vestibulum in augue non nisl tincidunt mollis. Sed vestibulum felis eget risus tempor ornare. Nam vestibulum, velit cursus ultrices pulvinar, purus nibh dignissim elit, ut malesuada tellus massa a ipsum. Phasellus scelerisque euismod quam nec luctus. Fusce sit amet sapien odio. Duis porta sagittis mauris, ut mattis eros venenatis in. Vestibulum eu rutrum tortor. Integer libero risus, tristique porta suscipit vitae, porta quis dolor.



The image to the right shows a right-aligned image. Curabitur lectus diam, consequat ut auctor et, ornare ac risus. Etiam varius eleifend libero, sed scelerisque enim molestie non. Sed pretium varius magna, id porttitor nulla pharetra et. Vestibulum ornare luctus mauris ut consequat. Duis sit amet metus ligula. Sed erat dolor, suscipit quis volutpat at, pharetra in mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Duis condimentum mauris at eros ullamcorper gravida quis non nulla. Etiam elit nisi, accumsan et posuere vel, accumsan a dui. Pellentesque quis commodo est.


The image below shows a captioned, center-aligned images. Note that images with any alignment can be captioned, and not just the center-aligned image. Praesent metus nibh, gravida vel sodales a, ornare tincidunt sapien. Sed dolor enim, posuere lobortis placerat eu, rutrum vel ante. Etiam sollicitudin porta metus vehicula eleifend.Integer auctor enim a dui rutrum placerat. Nulla iaculis, ante et euismod congue, sem urna consectetur purus, non accumsan magna ante ut diam. Nulla at elit posuere nisl consequat scelerisque.

Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari) in the light near surface at a sea mountain called Crystal Rock, North of Gili Lawa Laut, an island North of Komodo Island, Indonesia.

The image below has a width that is greater than the width of the content area, but the theme resizes it automatically so that it stays within the content area and does not overflow. Maecenas varius orci id dolor condimentum sed imperdiet justo tincidunt. Morbi placerat sodales nibh, a luctus libero malesuada consequat. Etiam nibh enim, condimentum a ultricies at, imperdiet sed nisi.

Morbi augue tellus, accumsan sed ultrices sed, tristique non erat. Aenean dignissim faucibus massa egestas varius. Etiam sit amet eros nulla, id consectetur sem. Nunc convallis lacinia turpis, vel lacinia diam placerat ut. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam sem libero, mollis in tempus eu, pretium at sapien.


This section is intended to demonstrate how lists are styled in the theme. Lists can be ordered (i.e. numerical), or unordered (i.e. bulleted).

The list below is an ordered list. Notice how the ordering changes from numerical to alphabetical for inner lists. Notice the margin of the lists, and the separation between list items, between lists, and between paragraphs and lists.

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
    1. Inner list item 1
    2. Inner list item 2
  3. List item 3

Aliquam gravida lobortis auctor. Proin velit quam, scelerisque sed imperdiet nec, lacinia ut neque. Vestibulum vitae blandit tellus. Nullam vel enim in dolor scelerisque faucibus. Nulla rhoncus lacus in diam iaculis at placerat dui consectetur. Etiam dictum tortor nec libero posuere nec lobortis nisl pharetra. Praesent non suscipit erat.

The list below is an unordered list.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
    • Inner list item 1
    • Inner list item 2
  • List item 3

Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean risus erat, volutpat et tempus ac, dignissim id ligula. Maecenas sit amet dolor ut purus malesuada egestas. Nulla sit amet dui sed orci ullamcorper egestas. Nullam tortor dolor, dapibus a auctor auctor, venenatis eu felis. Duis sit amet metus felis. Fusce magna nulla, eleifend eget interdum in, malesuada eget diam. Phasellus interdum, purus quis imperdiet euismod, nisi nibh sagittis eros, id ultricies nulla sem in nulla.


Heading 3 has been used for the heading of all sections in this demonstration. In HTML, headings can range from heading 1 to heading 6. In the theme, each heading level is differentiated by the size of the font for that heading.

Heading levels are hierarchical. Heading 1 is considered “more important” than heading 2, which is “more important” than heading 3, and so on. This ties back to semantic web, but you should try to follow the hierarchy.

Generally in the theme, heading 1 is reserved for the post (or page) title, and heading 2 is reserved for the site title. Therefore, you should try starting any headings in your posts or pages from heading 3 onwards, as this demonstration post has done.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Aliquam at suscipit libero. Proin eleifend porttitor risus, sed ullamcorper orci consectetur quis. Proin commodo molestie felis, at porttitor sapien tristique vitae. Curabitur nec sodales metus. Proin euismod faucibus nulla sit amet vehicula. Nullam lectus tortor, auctor non mattis sed, viverra varius risus. Sed dignissim est et libero elementum ac pharetra quam eleifend. Sed suscipit auctor dui, at fermentum purus ultricies in.


A blockquote is a nifty element in HTML that allows you to properly quote some text from some other sources. For example:

And in the end it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln


And finally, this section demonstrates how tables are styled in the theme.

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Permanent link to this article: https://demo.graphene-theme.com/blog/2012/04/24/content-elements/